​Dr. Christopher W. Baldt
Human and Animal Chiropractic
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Office Location:
32783 Long Neck Rd. Long Neck, DE 
302-945-4575 (Dog)
302-858-1275 (Equine)

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Medicare patients are eligible to receive up to 24 manual manipulations per member per calendar year.  All visits are subject to deductible, co-insurance and other policy limitations.  Additional visits or services would be considered non-covered and will be your financial responsibility.  Medicare Advantage plans have specific requirements and limited benefits for Chiropractic...including referral and authorization of services...we suggest that you speak with the insurer before commencing care.

Chiropractic visits are typically limited to up to 24 per calendar year subject to medical necessity.  It is your responsibility to obtain coverage information including authorization to treat, deductble co-payment and co-insurance prior to service.  Non-authorized services will be billed as non-insured until coverage is verified.

Chiropractic benefits are limited to up to 15 visits/year subject to medical necessity and policy limitations.  It is your responsibility to obtain coverage information including authorization to treat, deductble co-payment and co-insurance. Non-authorized services will be billed as non-insured until coverage is verified.
OTHER INSURANCE PLANS (Including Out of State Plans)

Chiropractic benefits vary betwen insurers and plans.  It is your responsibility to obtain coverage information including authorization to treat, deductble co-payment and co-insurance. Non-authorized services will be billed as non-insured until coverage is verified.

For patients that either have no insurance coverage or choose not to use their insurance plans for treatment in our office we offer the following non-insured rates:

New patient initial examination and adjustment $75.00
Routine examination and adjustment $50.00