​Dr. Christopher W. Baldt
Human and Animal Chiropractic
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Office Location:
32783 Long Neck Rd. Long Neck, DE 
302-945-4575 (Dog)
302-858-1275 (Equine)

Animal Chiropractic History

Animal Chiropractic has its history dating back to around 1899.  Dr. Palmer, the founder of the Chiropractic profession developed and taught Chiropractors the art and science of animal chiropractic.  
Animal Chiropractic is not a substitute for Veterinary care.  We will work with your Veterinarian to take great care of your animal.  
Dr. Baldt schedules dogs by appointment at his Long Neck office in Long Neck. Initial dog chiropractic examination, adjustment is $75.00... additional therapy $15/ea. Follow-ups are $60.00 plus additional therapy. 


Equine Chiropractic 
Chiropractic helps enhance performance, improve gait and balance and promote health.
When would your horse may need a chiropractic examination and treatment:
                                              * pain indicators including spinal tenderness along spine                                                    * behavioral changes
                                              * abnormal posture and/or gait
                                              * reduced performance and activity
                                              * horse ear-pinning or biting with cinching or under saddle                                                  * bucking
                                              * head tossing 
                                              * difficulty performing lateral work or collection
                                              * cross cantering
                                              * difficulty turning or working in one direction
                                              * sensitivity to touch or grooming

Equine Pain Point Therapy 
Specific manual therapy that releases tight muscles and pain points giving your horse immediate pain relief. 

Equine Acupuncture
Specifically placed needles to help with the flow of CHI to reduce pain, improve perfomance, improve gait, balance body systems and promote healing

All barn calls are by appointment.  Equine chiropractic fee is $100.00 and that includes the barn call, Chiropractic examination and full Chiropractic treatment of 1 horse and owner.  Additional chiropractic care for additional humans at the barn will be billed at $40.00/per person.

Dogs benefit from Chiropractic treatment... We help with canine conditions such as: IVDD (intervertebral disc disease), knee/acl injuries, gait problems, neck or back issues...
Canine Acupuncture
Laser Therapy